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All Publications
Garello L.
Learning Actions from Human and Robot Visual Motion Observations
PhD Thesis Book
Lastrico L., Garello L., Rea F., Noceti N., Mastrogiovanni F., Sciutti A., Carfì A.
Robots with Different Embodiments Can Express and Influence Carefulness in Object Manipulation
IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning
Conference Paper Conference
Garello L., Rea F., Noceti N., Sciutti A.
Towards Third-Person Visual Imitation Learning Using Generative Adversarial Networks
IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning
Article Conference
Garello L., Lastrico L., Mastrogiovanni F., Sciutti A., Noceti N., Rea F.
A Generative Model Towards Conditioned Robotic Object Manipulation
3rd Italian Conference in Robotics and Intelligent Machines (I-RIM)
Abstract Report Conference
Garello L., Moro M., Tacchino C., Campone F., Durand P., Blanchi I., Moretti P., Casadio M., Odone F.
A Study of At-term and Preterm Infants' Motion Based on Markerless Video Analysis
European Signal Processing Conference, vol. 2021-August, pp. 1196-1200