IIT People Search

Sebastiano Curreli

Optical Approaches to Brain Function
Research center

Sebastiano Curreli obtained his master’s degree in medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology from the University of Genoa in 2011. In 2015, he earned his doctoral degree in Neuroscience and Brain Technology from the University of Genoa, Italy, while working at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). His doctoral thesis focused on the development of optimized strategies for the direct reprogramming of glial cells into neurons. Subsequently, he moved to the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Magdeburg, Germany, for a postdoctoral position.

In 2016, Dr. Curreli joined the Optical Approaches to Brain Function lab at IIT Genoa, led by Dr. Tommaso Fellin, as a postdoctoral researcher. In this role, he directs his investigation toward unraveling the role of non-neuronal circuital elements in the computations underlying information encoding in brain circuits during animal behavior. To pursue these research goals, he combines large-scale multiphoton imaging methods in behaving animals with information-theoretical approaches.